Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis)
Bukit Timah, 26th April 2012

This particular Long-tailed Macaque was a high-ranking female in the largest macaque group in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Known as Nad, she and others from her troop have been involved in several scientific studies. On 26th April 2012, Nad was hit by a car along Hindhede Road. These photographs were shared by Crystal Riley, who was one of the researchers studying the monkeys of Bukit Timah.

(Article on Nad’s death in The Straits Times)

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Australian Red-claw Crayfish

Australian Red-claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus)
Tampines Quarry Lake, 10th September 2012

This exoskeleton of an Australian Red-claw Crayfish was found on the shore of Tampines Quarry Lake, an artificial lake that formed out of a disused sand quarry. Hence most of the larger aquatic fauna like fishes and decapod crustaceans are likely to have been introduced by humans. The presence of a crayfish exoskeleton suggests that there might be a population living in the lake, although I have yet to see a living specimen.
